
The Maddie Potts Foundation was established in November of 2017, less than 2 months after Maddie’s sudden death on the soccer field of an asymptomatic brain aneurysm. This 501(c)(3) foundation was founded in order to carry on Maddie’s legacy of kindness, compassion, hard work, inclusive leadership and perseverance, aka Maddie Mentality. We look forward to giving back to the community each year with scholarships, facility upgrades and opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

The Maddie Potts Foundation was started in order to carry on the legacy and memory of a healthy, young, female athlete, taken acutely from this world at the age of 17. Maddie exemplified all attributes that a student athlete should possess. She always led by example, and dedicated her free time to helping her teammates, fellow art students and all others around her to be the very best they could be. She stood up for and reached out to new students/teammates that were not as likely to be able to stand up for themselves. She was often referred to as “my very first friend at Chariho,” or at her Speed and Agility Training group, Higher Level, LLC. Her humility spoke for itself as she always tried to keep the spotlight off of her and instead directed it to her team, coaches or friends. Her year round work ethic as a 3 sport athlete, honor student and member of VAASA ( Varsity Athletes Above Substance Abuse) is unsurpassed by any her age. To quote her athletic director, “She just had a way with the kids on her team. They idolized her. They looked at her like she was a superhero – like she was Wonder Woman. Any time we went into any game, no matter who the other team had, our girls would be like ‘Well, we have Maddie Potts.’”​

All donations will go directly into the foundation to give back to athletics, art and other areas near and dear to Maddie’s heart, with scholarships and annual awards. Maddie’s Foundation has raised over $800,000 prior to expenses and are in the process of fully funding “The Maddie Potts Memorial Field House” on the Chariho campus, next to the field Maddie spent many of her days and ultimately died on. Maddie lived by the focus and importance of team building and practice every bit as much as game day. The Foundation will also continue to emphasize the importance of “paying it forward”, anonymously, strictly as it is the right thing to do to help others. Again, Maddie was never about her own recognition, only about making others around her better.

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